Meet Adia.

She’s a licensed clinical PSYCHOLOGIST And speaker on a mission to help women understand + embrace their unconditional worthiness.

The challenge

Adia’s message is bold, but unfortunately, her branding was not.

Dr. Adia came to me because she knew she had an important message to share with the world but she lacked the clarity to clearly tell her story across her online platforms.

She wanted to clarify her offering and frame it in a way that resonated with people. What’s more, her heart was to not simply tell, but show, her clients that you can fully show up as yourself. That meant she needed to infuse her brand with a big dose of personality.

The direction

Bright color meets natural botanicals.

I worked with Adia to get really, really clear on her target audience and map out the challenges and aspirations that they were facing. Once done, making decisions about the visual direction of the brand came much easier.

I proposed a rainbow of colors anchored in several deep and rich shades that underscored her message of inherent value, joy, peace and growth. Her bold statements were also mirrored in vibrant monochromatic and tonal color blocking.

I kept her logo simple. Adia. A bold font. A bold statement in it’s simplicity. You are enough. Just as you are. Period.


The outcome

A brand that exudes joyful confidence and speaks to the heart of her audience.

I worked with Adia from conception to launch of her new brand. This included foundational brand strategy and identity to a fully styled and creatively directed photoshoot, marketing collateral and new web design.

Together we crafted content that would break through the noise and speak to the heart of her audience. Adia now shows up with joyful confidence across all of her platforms with consistency and the power of her message has taken center stage.


In her own words

“I’m not going to lie, before I started working with Hannah I kinda felt like branding was all fluff.

You choose some pretty colors, you choose a good-looking font, and you go for it. Oh man was I wrong! I have learned so much in this process.

Hannah helped me to get really clear on who I am here to serve and what I am offering. She taught me about the psychology of colors and helped me to see that how we present ourselves to the world represents what we stand for. Most importantly, Hannah guided me to see how my branding could reflect my core message: that ✨you are unconditionally worthy✨.

Wow. I know our worth is not dependent on our looks, but I have a new appreciation for the power of using visuals like logos, colors, (and maybe even a hot pink power suit 😉) to communicate my message.

- Dr. Adia

